Thursday, April 27, 2006

Searching for Home (5th in a series)

Hmmm. Some interesting developments on the apartment search over the past twenty-four hours or so.

We went to see a place in town last evening and we actually liked it quite a bit. It would be much smaller than we currently have. But honestly that's to be expected.

The positive things about this place are numerous:

1. There are a lot of windows. And two of the largest ones overlook a park that is directly across the street. It looks like this park gets a lot of use--in a positive sense. (Living next to a park in the city is not always a good thing.) But it sounds like this is a great neighborhood gathering place. Lots of organized sports activities for kids and adults. And lots of folks walking their dogs in the morning, according to the woman who lives there currently.

2. There is a nook in the bedroom that would fit a computer desk for a little office space.

3. We would move sooner (likely mid-May, gulp, in about two weeks??) rather than later.

4. The decision would be made. And the amount of mental energy simply searching would be over with. Then I could devote all our energies to packing.

5. The scale is our scale. Not like Nu-topia. We know how to live in a neighborhood like this.

6. It's just a couple blocks away from a tremendously cool, hip, happening shopping district with a fantastic locally-owned coffeeshop and an equally fantastic locally-owned bookstore. So lots of character and city-like energy. I could write my dissertation in the coffeeshop, maybe. :)

7. We would be staying within the same school district, so E could keep going to his school and keep his friends.

8. It's comfortably in our rent range. A bit more than we're paying now, but not a risky stretch. In order to qualify for the apartment, you need to show that you earn three-times the monthly rent. And we do. Just.

Some negatives, though.

1. No fireplace. No pool. Nothing that shimmers with a feeling of amazing new-ness.

2. Tiny. We would really have to get rid of a lot of stuff. (A case could be made for this being on the positive list, though.)

3. The outside of the building isn't very attractive. Kind of blah and grey.

4. It's still as far away from church as we've been.

That's not a lot of negatives. And they're frankly not all that compelling...

Well, it's not a done deal. There was a couple who got there just before we did and they gave a check to hold the place. However, when we contacted the rental agent today, he informed us that those folks were having second thoughts and he advised us to go ahead and submit our own paperwork in case they do back out. (It's a ferocious market in the city.) I have to say, it's starting to look like we may pursue it.

Here are a couple photos:


Anonymous said...

Oh I hate moving, decisions are always hard.

Is there a pool close by that you could use?

Praying that you are able to make the right decision, and that God will give you his peace in this.

No fire extra cleaning...!!!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That would be a great big plus for E!!

Moving to a new school is always so hard.

Jody Harrington said...

The place looks pretty good. I know you'd be relieved if it worked out and the decision was made so you don't have to keep looking.

see-through faith said...

same school if it's a good one is good
and you can afford it and you don't live on the outside of a house.

getting rid of stuff isn't a problem except you don't have much time.

HeyJules said...

Yikes. Sounds good...looks small. Man - tough choice!