Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fresh Saturday

A beautifully lazy Saturday. The first one that I can remember in a long time. The Beautiful Boy has his own name for a day like this: he calls it a "fresh Saturday." That communicates volumes to me. This morning he came out to the living room and marvelled, "This is the first Saturday we can just stay here." How wonderful not to have to go back to the old apartment anymore, no depressing loose ends to tie up.

Oh, we still have some boxes left. And about four of them remain in our little living room space. So we're not done. But today has been a day to take it easy--and that's what was needed most. (Though, poor D has been working away on a book in time to meet his deadline on Monday. So only 2/3 of have been able to be lazy unfortunately.)

After lunch we all did manage to head over to the Recreation Center that's right across the street from us. It looks great! I discovered they offer Yoga there a couple nights a week. And three nights a week they have an exercise room, with free weights, treadmill, and elliptical machine available for free to City residents. Wow! (Unfortunately the Yoga isn't free. But at least it's not unreasonable.)

Last night we watched an intense and excellent movie: Dirty Filthy Love. It had played at our local theater for a while, but I was put off by the title. Turns out it's about a man who suffers from Tourettes Syndrome and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's a very moving film, showing his decline into the illness as he goes through a divorce and eventually meets others who suffer from the disease as well. I highly recommend the film.

This evening I'm very pleased to represent our church at a local "Witness Our Welcome" service. An interfaith worship service which celebrates welcoming and affirming congregations in our region. The service will be held at a Lutheran Church this year, which utterly warms my heart. To my dismay, I don't think I've attended a Lutheran worship service since I left seminary! Hard to believe. It's in my bones now, after all. As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm a bit nervous. I've never been to this worship service before, though it is apparently held annually. And I'm fending off feelings of being an imposter, since I haven't been ordained. (Fortunately I can recognize the absurdity of that feeling; nonetheless, it's there.) Well, I'll happily report on the experience once I've had it. :)


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