Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ecstasy and Method

Today I am working on my Comprehensive Exam essay due this Friday. If I can manage to get this essay accomplished even in the midst of all the upheaval from having to move (a week from tomorrow!), then I shall be happy indeed. One might even say ecstatic.

And if one did happen to say ecstatic, one would be making a reference to the topic of this comprehensive exam. :) I'm looking at the ecstatic experiences of the 14th-15th-century English mystic Margery Kempe and those of Jarena Lee, the first woman to be licensed to preach in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the 18th century. Very fun work. Fun enough, in fact, that this is what I plan to write on for my dissertation once all of my exams are finished.

In other news, some of you may recall my evangelical posting about the wonders of Method cleaning products. Well, I've included a link along the right side of my blog to a pretty great introductory deal for their line of laundry products. Read my previous posting about them, then click on the link and give Method a try. (I don't receive any commissions on this. I just love their stuff! It's also not an Amway kind of deal. I mean, you can get their stuff from Target after all. :D)

Okay, that's it for me for now.

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